Max and the Junkmen
Max and the Junkmen

Max and the Junkmen

IMDB: 7.3
112 min
  • PlayMovie
Max is an aloof, independently wealthy Parisian investigator who is constantly frustrated by robbery rings he can't break up. In an effort to redeem himself, he schemes to rob a bank with a gang of lowlifes lead by an old friend. A hesitant captain gives Max information, and he begins spending evenings with Lilly, a prostitute who is dating the group's commander. He acts the part of a wealthy banker and urges Lilly to plan for her future. He alludes to a paycheck being deposited in his account. The plan goes off without a hitch, the little thieves believe they're poised for a huge score, and the police are in position. And what, exactly, could go wrong with Max's icy plan? Who exactly is caught?


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